I do love printmaking! I used some random bits and pieces to make these prints - the end of an empty tube of glitter, a tiny piece of round lego, a larger piece of round lego, and the bottom of a plastic lego shark- yes apparently lego sharks do exist! All using indigo watercolour paint, watercolour because I like the imperfections and entirely-out-of-my-control marks and blotches. Quite like these.
Monday, 28 April 2014
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
This evening
Friday, 18 April 2014
Ideas in progress
I've begun to make a few scraps of work in the few snatches of time before little feet come padding in or I hear a 'Muuuum! '. I find being a full time mum doesn't combine well with being an artist, time wise anyway as in you find there isn't any to make work in! But I also find my kids are a constant source of inspiration, yes through the work they make be it drawing, painting, glueing and sticking or playdough, but also just being with them I find I have more ideas flooding in. The sunny weather which has miraculously decided to make an entrance here in the UK also helps, after so much grey (which is a colour I adore by the way but not in terms of light!) I think everyone feels refreshed and renewed, and the inspirational cogs start turning.
Images are of recent little ideas I am having at the moment using collage and mixed media, beginning with vessels: jam jars, bottles & bird feeders, then animals and birds such as hares and guinea fowl. Also a few peeks of my pinboard.