Monday, 13 April 2015

My other life as a painter

I used to make large paintings on canvas, I had a studio and exhibited in a gallery, even sold a few. I was prolific, as I am when I have so many ideas and the creative juices are flowing. Looking back I now know I was stuck in a rut after having made so many landscapes and trees. I didn't realise that the small mixed-media sketches I made in between the 'serious' painting sessions were the key to moving on, but then the small things often are! The work I make now is very open to all sorts of media and mark making, with a very illustrative bent. I am less prone to playing to my own prejudices of what 'serious' work is (a hangover from a fine art painting degree). I know that the processes I used to make these paintings involved printmaking of sorts, using the sides of my brush, card or a paint scraper.    I now collect objects to create prints including my own children's lego (que horrified husband that I 'steal' my OWN children's lego!). So even back then my work was always creative in its methods and processes,  it's just that it's now gone into full flow juicy mixed-media! 
Yes I do plan in tackling those large canvases again (once my remaining little person is in pre-school), but they will be from a very different angle this time.
All images of paintings are from about six years ago using acrylic on canvas, the last however was made when I was 18 years old using inks and still a favourite of mine.

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